Benefits of experiential learning in this digital world
Learning by experiencing is what experiential learning is all about. This is a natural process that every human being has to encounter right from birth. All kids learn by seeing others doing tasks, right from walking and eating. They do things, fail, repeat, and continue till they learn to do them correctly. This concept is also known as learning by experience or practice and action. Whatever we do is done after undergoing the process of learning only.
How did it begin?
John Dewy discovered this concept in 1938; he called it pragmatism and emphasized a hands-on approach. He embraced this concept in learning, enunciated that children should be given something to do, not something to learn. This approach demands thinking and would inspire learning.
While John Dewy started it, David Kolb is the reference point of this concept till now. His experiential learning cycle, which was discovered in 1984, has four stages. Concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation are these four stages. The learner progresses as he or she passes through each cycle. Also, he or she can enter any cycle or stage at any point in time. Logical thinking is what matters the most.
When you look for the best schools in Ghaziabad, check if there is a curriculum based on this concept. What would be such a curriculum based on?
· The real-world experiences are brought into this or are mimicked.
· The experiences are structured and monitored carefully.
· There is a deviation from the curriculum that is based on a purpose and is well-planned.
· Enough chances to try things hands-on.
· This method helps learn things from the roots and gives a complete understanding as compared with rote-style learning. This is the reason why top schools in Ghaziabad offer this method in their school curriculum.
What are the benefits of experiential learning?
It helps the children of schools in Ghaziabad ready for the future, and they are all set to step into the real world to reap success. Values and personal attributes are easily understood by children who learn through hands-on experience. You cannot expect the same from kids when they are taught through the traditional teaching methods. These values enter into the subconscious mind with ease. This method helps the students to enjoy studying, and they perform to earn higher grades.
What are the ways experiential learning can be brought into school?
In an online class, it is easy to bring in experiential learning through gaming. Any school in the top 10 schools in Ghaziabad list will provide such options. When gaming is brought in, it ensures that the kids can face multiple challenges and come up with a solution. Online quizzes, what-if puzzles, hidden objects, and multiplayer mysteries are a few options available in the sector of gaming.
Children learn by doing much better when simulations are added. When teachers throw light on the different real-world situations, students can develop answers that help them develop an ecosystem to suit the real world in the digital arena, which allows them to develop their skills. Teachers can assess the skills of students based on this. For instance, when the teachers teach about the holocaust, world war, or epidemics, the sounds of the ambulance, a siren can be brought in. Children can be asked about how the children of those eras felt and lived. Teachers can also discuss the resources available to make lives better these days.
Result oriented
When it comes to assessing the results, certain things can add to the accuracy. While in group exercises, it is not easy to evaluate individual results or feedback tailor-made for each student. So, here a digital approach can come in handy. Many teachers often use a Kirkpatrick evaluation model. It is practical; it has the following steps- Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, and Results.
This model can be used as — tracking responses, developing gateways(pass or fail), customizing feedback to suit the choices one has made.
When using the digital platform, there are innovative ways that are brought in. There are trusted methods one can make use of using the experiential learning method. We always learn by doing things, and here we use technology. It can help in developing accuracy and can augment the teaching-learning experience.